Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why Treating Acne Naturally Is A Better Choice

There are a lot of acne treatment medications in the market that claim to cure acne "for good". However, if you are an acne sufferer you are probably wondering if there really is a lasting cure for acne. The truth is, medications (over-the-counter treatments, Antibiotics, etc.) will never meet their promise of permanently clearing your acne. However what if I tell you that there are natural, less costly ways to clear your acne, and prevent further breakouts? But first, let's take a deeper look into the issue surrounding different methods of acne treatment.
Most people, including dermatologists, will tell you that there isn't a cure for acne, and those who have acne are bound to battle with the condition. The reason for this is:

Firstly, most dermatologists have never really explored the real cause of acne. They are only familiar with the symptoms, which is why they set to prescribe medications that only treat those symptoms (irritation, pimples, etc.) superficially.

Secondly, I am sure you know by now that most dermatologists work together with pharmaceutical or drug companies, which do not actively look for permanent cures for acne, partly because they make tremendous amounts of money by making consumers dependent upon a treatment (keep in mind that some treatments actually work at first, but then acne returns and usually with a grudge... So you have to buy more medications to the companies' expectations). What I'm trying to say is that if we keep on ignoring the internal causes of acne, without curing it from the source, we can never achieve a lasting result. We may find temporary relief, but the acne will come back again eventually, unless we eliminate the real cause from within.

Usually, acne and other conditions alike are an indication that there is something wrong inside of your body and needs to be corrected. And if you are an acne sufferer, there are TWO things that you can do:

You can ignore the signs. But if you do, you can only expect things to go even worse. Sometimes, when acne is not treated properly it tends to get more intense. In addition, since acne is often associated with hormonal imbalance, you might start having other hormone-related symptoms as well.

Learn to listen to your body, and fix the internal causes of your acne. This will help you defeat acne and achieve great, beautiful and healthy skin; and will also give your body the ability to have a proper balance, which in turn will prevent the excess toxic substances from causing more acne.

No matter what type of acne you have (acne Vulgaris, acne Conglobatta, Rosacea, Blackheads, Whiteheads, Papules, Nodules, Cysts, etc) the same natural method of treatment will work. As a matter of fact, the holistic methods of treating acne (adult or teen) have always existed and will not leave you disappointed. It even works for back, chest, shoulder acne (since it focuses on the internal cause of acne).

Stop treating your acne only superficially, take charge now and treat it for good! For more information, Click here!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3 Reasons Why Antibiotics Don't Cure Acne

In this article, I want to help you explore why taking antibiotics will not aid you with your acne problem. In contrast to what your dermatologist or most people would say, acne bacteria are not the ones to blame for your acne.

In fact, Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes bacteria is considered to be essential for our skin. It has a crucial role in maintaining our inner balance and our skin health. Just like any other life form, these bacteria fight to keep their life, but they are only a small part of the "acne equation". So what's its connection with acne?

These bacteria are not contagious and people with or without acne have them on their skin. Consider for example Streptococcus bacteria, which naturally exist in our throats, but we don't get strep throat or tonsillitis all the time. In other words, unless the right environment or condition is created, acne bacteria (or Streptococcus bacteria in case of a strep throat) will not cause acne.

It is important to note that until acne bacteria are in balance with your inner system, they will defend your body from harmful bacteria. To put it in other words, as long as your biological state is balanced, you don't have to worry about a thing, because acne bacteria will help keep your skin flexible.

However, acne bacteria feed on sweat and a secretion from our sebaceous glands, called sebum oil. And due to hormonal imbalances, an excess of sebum on the skin occurs and when it mixes with toxins that are expelled through your skin, a favorable environment is created that lets P. bacteria to invade the hair follicles and multiply mainly by feeding themselves on sebum oil. This process produces free fatty acids that irritate our skin. For this reason, our bodies react by calling on the white and red blood cells for defense causing inflammations resulting in all the well-known symptoms of acne, such as swelling, pus, whiteheads, nodules, etc.

In short, taking antibiotics will not cure your acne instead it will cause destruction.

3 reasons why taking Antibiotics is unhelpful:

1. They disturb the natural balance of the P. acnes, destroying the good probiotic bacteria and allowing harmful bacteria to enter your skin

2. Constantly taking antibiotics causes P. acnes bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics, in the long run.

3. Taking antibiotics will never help cure acne, because they don't prevent the environment that helped multiply P. acnes.

If you need to permanently cure your acne, all you have to do is to counterbalance the acne environment (that helped in the multiplication of bacteria due to blood toxins and excess sebum oil production). To do this, you must balance the secretion of oil and rid your body from built up toxins by controlling the nutritional, psychological, hormonal, and environmental factors.

For more information on how to find a balance in your life and permanently cure your acne Click Here!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

8 Important Rules for Acne Sufferers

If you suffer from acne then this article is for you. For better looking healthier skin try to take in mind these straightforward 8 rules that help you avoid breakouts and keep them controlled.

Rule no. 1: Avoid Hard and Frequent Scrubbing

Hard and frequent scrubbing with washcloths, loofahs, and chemically induced harsh exfoliators will not help get rid of acne; it will make your acne worse and cause irritation. However, since it is important to exfoliate your skin, use natural cleansers (you can also use glycerin soap) and wash your skin with tepid water, and then pat dry.

Rule no. 2: Avoid Washing Your Skin Too Often

Only wash your skin a.m. and p.m. It is very important to keep your skin clean, but washing it repeatedly can cause the skin to overly dry, become more sensitive, and therefore result in more blocked pores because of the layers of dry skin.

Rule no. 3: Keep Your Hands in Your Pocket

I know it's tempting to squeeze or pop a pimple, but messing with acne just leaves a big mess, and makes it worse! It causes more redness and can result into scars.

Rule no. 4: Keep Skin Clean from Sweat

After a nice sweaty workout, or long walk in the sun always take a shower and wash your skin with natural products (avoid chemical products).

Rule no. 5: Keep Your Hair Clean

When you do not wash your hair often enough, oil from your scalp can drip down onto your face and can contribute to causing acne. Therefore, remember to wash your hair frequently, and also change your pillow case every two days.

Rule no. 6: Hair Products to Avoid

It is absolutely important to cover your face when using any hair sprays, gel, mousse, and other products on your hair, because they can help clog up your pores.

Rule no. 7: Do not Use Products Containing Oils

If you have acne prone skin the worst thing you can do is use facial products that have unhealthy acne-initiating oils. Therefore, if you think about buying make-up, for example, pick one that is oil-free; even more so get the ones that are labeled "non comedogenic" which does not block your pores.

In addition, look for products that say glycerin, olive oil, fruit oil, AHA.

Rule no. 8: Watch for Greasy and Sugary Foods

Diet does not directly cause acne, however greasy foods that contain hydrogenated oils can make your skin worse because they trigger the production of excess oil. Prioritize your diet choices and avoid fried, greasy foods and refined sugars.
For more helpful information on how to naturally treat your acne, without the use of harsh chemicals try this incredible holistic method!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

5 Secrets You Should Know That Help Cure Acne

For people who suffer from acne, it is very important for them to get to know how to take care of their skin. If you suffer from acne, you probably know by now that there are some things you need to be very careful about in order not to breakout more and to keep your skin as healthy- looking as possible. I want to share with you 5 basic suggestions, which will help you in your fight against your acne.

1. Use Sunscreen for protection against the sun and harsh weather

It is sometimes believed that exposure to sunlight helps with getting rid of acne, however it is not entirely true; in fact, radiation pollutants and extremely dry skin will make you breakout even more. When you use sun block (SPF 15-30 will do, unless if you're going to spend the entire day on a beach/outdoors you can use higher SPF) you will help protect your skin from the sun and the wind.

If your skin is oily try to find an oil-free sunscreen, if your skin type is normal to dry you can even use a moisturizer with your sun -block.

2. Exfoliating Regularly

In order to help your skin clear away the excess build-up of dry skin that causes blockage of pores and further breakout and even causes wrinkles, it is very important that you exfoliate your skin regularly. Exfoliation is a natural process of your skin as it gets rid of the outer skin. Some people are genetically exposed to the slowing down of this natural process causing them to be more prone to acne. Therefore using the right kind of exfoliation for your skin-type will help your skin to speed up this process, and prevent blocked pores. There are a number of methods used for exfoliation:

For Information Check Out the Link Below!

-Alpha and beta hydroxyl acids, which are available over-the-counter. They are usually inexpensive, work within 6 to 8 weeks, and range from 5% to 20% intensity for mild to moderate peeling.

-Dermabrasion usually performed by a doctor, and is much like the sanding process, includes peeling of 4 layers of skin. This method is expensive and requires a long period of recovery.

-Peels (there are several types of peels like TCA peel, Phenol peel and so on).

3. Carefully Choose Your Soap or Face Wash

You have to absolutely be careful not to over dry your skin by using the wrong types of soaps. There are a lot of products out there that seem to not just clear up the oil, but to extremely dry your skin, which as you might know causes more oil production and more breakouts. What you therefore need is a glycerin or sorbitol based soaps that also help to balance your skin pH.

4. Vitamin C and Water

It is very important that you get the whole 8 glasses of water every day. And to boost your immunity you will need a Vitamin C supplement (1000mg/day... check with physician for right dosage for you), unless you're allergic to it.

5. Cutting Back Sugar Is the Best Key

Ignore it when people say that food doesn't cause breakouts. In fact, whatever goes into your mouth could help worsen or cure up your acne. To find out more about the sugar-acne connection check my previous articles.
All in all, when it comes to sugar learn to know your boundaries, because even though it might not be a direct cause of acne, don't underestimate the role it plays in causing more outbreaks. Eat more fresh fruits instead of the refined sugars.
These were the 5 basic suggestions, which I hope will be very helpful to you. And if you want to find out more about the best natural way of treating your acne Click Here!