Thursday, November 11, 2010

Acne Diet Tips

There are a lot of varied views regarding acne, as some think it’s not related to the foods we eat, and others believe that diet actually matters.

While people debate over the issue, I believe we can only play it safe and watch out for what we eat and drink, because as certain foods may not be the direct cause of acne, they might have a role in it after all. In the next few paragraphs, I want to suggest to you certain foods which are beneficial in managing the outbreak of acne.

After doing some research, I came across very interesting findings, which I believe are going to be very helpful for you. Remember: your acne is stubborn, so in order to defeat it you must be persistent and patient (you don’t need all the excess stress!)

Here are the top tips you really need when it comes to acne:

1. Vitamins and Selenium

- First and foremost, you need to increase the consumption of more fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. I know you have probably read about this probably everywhere, but the truth is that it’s true! Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins, which your body needs. (the more natural, the better!) And what about nuts and seeds? Brazil nuts contain Selenium, and pumpkin seeds contain Zinc, all of which can help improve your acne condition. Here’s a fact I found about Brazil nuts: they are a good source of vitamins and minerals, and like I mentioned they are the richest dietary Selenium source. Research indicates that Selenium may be related to the prevention of cancer, and when combined with vitamins A and E they help reduce acne. Certain types of seafood (like tuna and cod) also contain some amounts of Selenium, in addition to freshly squeezed orange juice, onions, garlic, wheat bran, whole grains, and mushrooms. The normal range of Selenium for humans is noted to be 13-20 milligrams.

2. Water Is the Best

- Another important tip, which everybody won’t forget to mention is drinking a lot of water, and remember there is no substitute for water! Water hydrates your skin, which in turn prevents your pores from being blocked. And may I mention that water has a lot of other health benefits as well? So you can’t but profit from it!

3. No More Sugar

- Lessen and then gradually diminish the intake of sugar, and instead use honey (all natural of course). Do not consume sodas, chocolate, candy, juices (that are fired up with sugar) and so forth. Sugar causes high levels of blood sugar, and to balance things up your body is triggered to excrete hormones (like insulin), which will cause your skin to generate more Sebum (skin oil) and this only means more acne.

- When it comes to sugar, you can’t escape the question of why some people who binge on a lot of sugar have great skin. I read an interesting research, which links this fact to a weak functioning of the liver. Liver is responsible for cleansing the hormones triggered by the high blood sugar levels, after their “role in balancing” is finished. Therefore, as an acne sufferer what you need to worry about is eating foods that can help make your liver to function more strongly. These include oils (mostly olive oil), Sulfur foods like broccoli, cabbage, seeds and nuts, freshly squeezed lemon, and while attempting to reduce sugar intake use honey (as previously mentioned).

4. No Caffeine

- Don’t drink caffeinated drinks like sodas, coffee, tea, etc. Caffeine increases your stress hormone levels, and causes more acne breakouts.

5. Reduce Stress

- And speaking of stress hormones, you need to do something to reduce all your extra stress. Mostly by exercising and partly by relaxing. Exercising helps decrease stress levels, which will in turn mean less production of the male type hormones (such as DHEA and DHT) that are part causes of acne outburst.

- You can also take 20-30 minutes of outside walks (out in the fresh air) everyday, because not only will it help reduce stress, but also increase the oxygen flow to your skin.

A last advice from one acne sufferer to another, do not use harsh chemical products on your skin, because they make the condition worse, without even curing it. Instead go for the natural!.

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