Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3 Reasons Why Antibiotics Don't Cure Acne

In this article, I want to help you explore why taking antibiotics will not aid you with your acne problem. In contrast to what your dermatologist or most people would say, acne bacteria are not the ones to blame for your acne.

In fact, Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes bacteria is considered to be essential for our skin. It has a crucial role in maintaining our inner balance and our skin health. Just like any other life form, these bacteria fight to keep their life, but they are only a small part of the "acne equation". So what's its connection with acne?

These bacteria are not contagious and people with or without acne have them on their skin. Consider for example Streptococcus bacteria, which naturally exist in our throats, but we don't get strep throat or tonsillitis all the time. In other words, unless the right environment or condition is created, acne bacteria (or Streptococcus bacteria in case of a strep throat) will not cause acne.

It is important to note that until acne bacteria are in balance with your inner system, they will defend your body from harmful bacteria. To put it in other words, as long as your biological state is balanced, you don't have to worry about a thing, because acne bacteria will help keep your skin flexible.

However, acne bacteria feed on sweat and a secretion from our sebaceous glands, called sebum oil. And due to hormonal imbalances, an excess of sebum on the skin occurs and when it mixes with toxins that are expelled through your skin, a favorable environment is created that lets P. bacteria to invade the hair follicles and multiply mainly by feeding themselves on sebum oil. This process produces free fatty acids that irritate our skin. For this reason, our bodies react by calling on the white and red blood cells for defense causing inflammations resulting in all the well-known symptoms of acne, such as swelling, pus, whiteheads, nodules, etc.

In short, taking antibiotics will not cure your acne instead it will cause destruction.

3 reasons why taking Antibiotics is unhelpful:

1. They disturb the natural balance of the P. acnes, destroying the good probiotic bacteria and allowing harmful bacteria to enter your skin

2. Constantly taking antibiotics causes P. acnes bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics, in the long run.

3. Taking antibiotics will never help cure acne, because they don't prevent the environment that helped multiply P. acnes.

If you need to permanently cure your acne, all you have to do is to counterbalance the acne environment (that helped in the multiplication of bacteria due to blood toxins and excess sebum oil production). To do this, you must balance the secretion of oil and rid your body from built up toxins by controlling the nutritional, psychological, hormonal, and environmental factors.

For more information on how to find a balance in your life and permanently cure your acne Click Here!